CHAM Conference, 17-19 July 2019
CHAM was proud to announce the organisation of its IV International Conference on Innovation, Invention and Memory in Africa. Following very successful previous editions we focused on Africa, its heritage, challenges and achievements. As a leading centre in the Humanities, CHAM aimed in this edition to foster the presentation and discussion of multiple disciplinary approaches and contributions to the understanding of cultural, literary, historical, social, educational, artistic, ecological, and political landscapes in Africa. The conference brought together students, academics, policymakers, community leaders, artists. It promoted a broad disciplinary approach to African Studies and a dynamic forum for discussion and knowledge production. Particular attention was dedicated to the importance of future leaderships and to the role of young policymakers, researchers and artists. Read more about the conference concept.
Over 200 participants from the African studies community attended for three days of panels, posters, keynote plenary, book presentations and social events.
You can see videos from the previous CHAM conferences here.
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CHAM2019 Programme
The printed programme is available for download:
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This conference programme details the panels, papers and events that form IV CHAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FCSH/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Printed /PDF programme Errata
Event details:
Book presentations - Thursday 18:30-19:30 - B1 0.05
Convenors: Ana Maria Martinho & Veronica Ware
Chair: Alberto Carvalho
Authors: Ana Mafalda Leite, István Rákóczi, Philip Rothwell, Francisco Topa & Lopito Feijó
Withdrawn panel:
P12 - "South-South international cooperation project between Brazil and Ethiopia to strengthen water supply and sanitary sewage services in Ethiopia (Policy and Practice panel)"
Panel changes:
Panel P02 now one session shorter
Panel P05 now one session shorter, panel venue is now B1 1.12
Panel P06 now one session shorter, paper division across sessions now 4+4+3, panel starts at 1130 and NOT 0930
Panel P10 paper division across sessions now 3+4+4+4
Panel P15 now one session shorter
Panel P16 paper division across sessions now 3+2
Panel P22 now one session shorter, same start at 1500
Panel P25 paper division across sessions now 3+2, panel starts at 1430 and NOT 0930
Panel P26 now one session shorter, paper division across sessions now 3+3+3
Panel P27 now one session shorter, paper division across sessions now 3+3
Panel P31 paper division across sessions now 3+2
Panel P32 paper division across sessions now 3+3+3
Paper title changed:
P27 - The "first" ten years of Africa at the Venice Biennale: power plays behind curatorial choices is now: The “first” twelve years of Africa at the Venice Biennale
P11 - Advertising – a rethorical study on brand naming is now: Conjunctions in argumentative text of university students from Angola
Paper moved:
- Poster has become a paper, moved from P28 to P32 - István Rákóczi
- Poster has become a paper, moved from P28 to P08 - Fatima Candé
Change of convenor
- Ana Maria Martinho replaces Gregório Tchikola as convenor of panel P29
Withdrawn papers (panel ref & author surname):
P05: Lamloum; Valley; Pereira; Okolie-Osemene. P06: de Paiva Magalhães. P08: Zulu. P09: SaadEl-Din. P10: Leitão de Almeida. P12: Lemos; Braga de Carvalho. P14: Teles. P15: Baker. P16: Coghe; de Grassi. P18: de Carvalho Viotti. P20: Anyokwu; Jaime; Doval. P23: Serrazina. P25: Milani; Garmes. P26: Adima; Caetano da Silva; Silva. P27: Gomes; Turchetti; Buque. P31: Lichuge. P32: Ponte e Sousa; Onalan. P33: Santos. P34: Simon.
About CHAM
The Portuguese Centre for Humanities (CHAM) is an inter-University research unit of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and of the Universidade dos Açores, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. CHAM’s team includes researchers from different disciplinary fields (Archaeology, Art History, Heritage, Literature, Philosophy and History of ideas), different domains of History (Economic, Cultural, Political, Social, Religious, History of Science and History of books and reading practices) and specialists from various geographic spaces. From 2015 to 2020, CHAM’s strategic project will focus on “frontiers”. This multi-disciplinary project considers frontiers as limits that distinguished, throughout history, a plurality of societies and cultures, but also as social and cultural constructs that promoted communication and interaction.
Executive Committee
Ana Maria Martinho, Bernardo Kessongo Menezes, Carla Alferes Pinto, Federica Lupati, Hilarino da Luz, Noemi Alfieri, Roberta Stumpf, Vanessa Rato
Scientific Committee
Alberto Carvalho (Portugal - FLUL), Amália Lopes (Cabo Verde – Uni - CV), Ana Maria Martinho (Portugal - CHAM/ NOVA FCSH), Elizabeth Giorgis (Etiópia - College of Performing and Visual Art, Modern Art Museum: Gebre Kristos Desta Center), Gregório Tchikola (Angola – Univ. Lueji A’ NKonde), Helena Miguel (Angola - Univ. Católica), Hilary Owen (UK – University of Manchester/Oxford University), Isaac Albert (Nigéria – University of Ibadan), João Paulo Oliveira e Costa (Portugal – CHAM/ NOVA FCSH), José Horta (Portugal – Universidade de Lisboa), Nataniel Ngomane (Moçambique - Univ. Eduardo Mondlane / Fundo Bibliográfico Moçambique), Odete Semedo (Guiné-Bissau – Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa), Perpétua Gonçalves (Moçambique - Universidade Eduardo Mondlane), Philip Rothwell (UK - Oxford University), Roquinaldo Ferreira (Brasil/USA – Brown University), Toby Green (UK – King´s College)
We are grateful to FCT for their financial support.
Conference organisers
The conference was organised by the team at NomadIT